To add, adjust or delete the events that appear you will need to go to the events page. Go to our Events guide.
Step 1: Add Upcoming events component
Select Drag components here.
Select the plus icon.
Select Upcoming events from the Insert New Component list.
Step 2: Edit the upcoming events component - optional
Select the Upcoming events component.
Select the spanner icon to adjust the Upcoming events component. This is the Configure button.
Step 3: Edit the upcoming events properties - optional
Enter a Heading. This appears as the title of the component. For example: Upcoming events.
Link Label
In the Link label field, enter the text you want to appear below the Heading. For example: Go to all events.
Link Destination
In the Link Destination field, select the tick icon to navigate through your website pages to find the page you want to link to when the text is selected. For example: Events.
Once you have found your page, select the icon to the left of the page name. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue.
Select the Select button in the top right.
The link appears in the Link Destination field.
Publish your changes
For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.
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