School website service training and support

Edit a news article

Step 1: Navigate to Home

  • Your school's home page will already be selected.

Step 2: Edit the news article page

  • Select news.
  • Select the year of the news article.
  • Select the month of the news article.
  • Once you have found your news article, select the icon to the left of the file name. For example, Bike safety education. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue. 
  • Select Edit in the menu bar that appears across the top of the screen.

Step 3: Edit your news article 

  • Select Edit in the top right of the page. This button is next to Preview
  • Select the date to activate the news article component.
  • Select the spanner icon to edit your news article page. This is the Configure button. 

Step 4: Change the date for your news article - optional

  • Select the date for your news article. This will affect the order it appears on the news page. 
  • If you set the date to a day in the future the news article will be hidden from navigation and the homepage until the selected date occurs.

Step 5: Change the feature image on your news article - optional

  • If you add a feature image to your news article it will display as a thumbnail on the home page and the news page.
  • The optimal size for the news article feature image size is listed on the image dimensions page.
  • In the Image path field, select the binoculars to navigate through your image and document assets to where you have previously saved your image.

  • Once you have found your image, select the icon to the left of the image name. The tick will appear and your selection will turn blue.
  • Select the Select button in the top right.

  • The pop-up will disappear and your link will appear in the Image path field.
  • Enter the alternative text for your image into the Alt text field.
  • See the image guidelines for more information on alt text.

Step 6: Featured News – optional

  • Select Featured News checkbox if you would like to make this article featured news. Featured news appears at the top of your news index page. 
  • Select a Featured Start Date. This is the date your news article will start appearing as a feature news article.
  • Select a Featured End Date. This is the date your news article will stop appearing as a featured news article. It will still appear on the news index page in chronological order. 

Step 7: Update the description for your news article

Option 1 - Website only

  • Select Website description tab, if you previously selected any of the other two options; App only or Website and App.
  • Enter your news article content. 
  • Select the tick on the top right of the pop-up to save the news article settings. 
  • You can use rich editor to format your article. See our Rich text editor guide to learn how to use this.  

Option 2 - App only

  • Select App description tab, if you previously selected any of the other two options; Website only or Website and App.
  • Enter your news article content. 
  • Select the tick on the top right of the pop-up to save the news article settings. 
  • You can use rich editor to format your article. See our Rich text editor guide to learn how to use this.

Option 3 - Website and App

  • If you previously selected any of the other two options; Website only or App only, select Website and App and add information in both Website description and App Description tabs. 
  • Enter your news article content. 
  • Select the tick on the top right of the pop-up to save the news article settings. 
  • You can use rich editor to format your article. See our Rich text editor guide to learn how to use this.

  • The Alert below will appear if you have set your news article to publish in a future month.  The system will automatically move the page to the correct month and year. 
  • Select OK.

  • Your news article is now ready to be published. 

Step 8: Publish your news article page

  • For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.
  • Select the slider icon in the top left corner. This is the Page Information button.
  • Select Publish Page from the drop-down. 
  • If you don't see Publish Page you are an Author and will need to select Start Workflow instead. Go to our Author publish a page for more information.

Published news article

Example of the updated Latest news section with news articles that have images:

Example of a news page showing all current featured news and regular news articles in chronological order: