Global content applies to the majority of schools however in instances where information may not apply to your school you can customise global content to suit the needs of your school.
Before you start
When you customise global content the text component being customised will no longer receive global content updates from the department.
Must-have global content cannot be customised or hidden.
Step 1: Select component
Select the Rich text editor component containing the global content you would like to configure.
Select the chain icon.
A pop-up will appear warning of the change. Select Yes.
You now have the option to configure the component.
Step 2: Configure component
Select the Rich text editor component containing the global content.
Select the spanner icon to edit the text. This is the Configure button.
Step 3: Edit or hide global content
Option 1: Edit global content
You can use the rich text editor to format the global content. See our Rich text editor guide to learn more.
Select the tick on the top right of the pop-up to save your changes.
For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.
Option 2: Hide global content
Select Hide tab.
Select the Hide this component checkbox.
Select the tick on the top right of the pop-up to save your changes.
For changes to be updated on your live school website you will need to publish the page.
Revert changes
You can revert changes you have made to global content and restore the global content updates from the department.
Select the Rich text editor component containing the global content you would like to configure.
Select the broken chain icon.
A pop-up will appear warning of the change. Select Yes.
Your local changes will be discarded and the latest global content will be applied and published.
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