This section provides various tips and tricks and will guide you to achieve more complex tasks.
- Add a calendar
- Add a school behaviour support and management plan
- Add a virtual tour
- Add school notes
- Commemorate Remembrance Day
- Content housekeeping and document storage
- Convert HEIC image files
- Create images in Canva
- Create a banner with multiple images in Canva
- Find where an asset is referenced
- Get coordinates from Google Maps
- Link to a document or URL
- Promote Back to school
- Promote Harmony Week
- Promote International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Promote National Ride2School Day
- Promote NSW Public Education Week
- Promote School Counsellor and School Psychologist Recognition Day
- Remove old content and assets
- Resize images in MacOS
- Resize images in Windows
- Toggle fullscreen
- Use cards to link to content