School website service training and support

SWS system status

This page details current known issues affecting the School Website Service platform, and any available workaround to follow whilst we endevour to investigate and resolve the issue.

Issue: When importing ICS files (ical) from certain external calendar providers, some events in the file are not imported.

In the ICS file the affected all-day events will have lowercase =date, while the working ones will have uppercase =DATE

Status: Current


  1. Download the ICS file to your computer.
  2. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Do a case sensitive find and replace of =date with =DATE being sure to not include any extra spaces.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Run the import again using the amended ICS file.

Issue: Video component when used inside the Accordion component (aka show/hide) the video component is not visible. This is caused by no default width and height being applied.

Status: Current, and partially resolved for newly added video components.


  • Edit the video component and apply height and width, typically 400px for height and 100% for width.

Having trouble?

If you're experiencing an unlisted issue, report it so we can investigate and if suitable we'll add it above to alert others.
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