School website service training and support

Joining SWS

The following information is for new schools joining the School Website Service (SWS).

Things to consider

Before we build your website, your school needs to consider things such as:

  • who is going to be on your web team?
  • who will create and approve content?
  • who will keep the site updated?
  • who will be back-up when people are on leave?
  • how often will you update your website?
  • what local content (unique information about your school) do you to want to add?
  • what images will you use, and where will you source them from?
  • who will make sure you have permission to publish any information that identifies a student?
  • how will you promote your new website?

Website build requirements

The following list outlines what we require in order to rollout a new website, expand each item to read the important details.

We require the school name approved by the NSW Minister for Education, which is communicated via the School Lifecycle Pipeline.

The School Website Service and the Foundations Lifecycle teams reference information in the pipeline, to plan and deliver our work for new schools.

Provisional school names cannot be accepted, as the URL and other behind the scenes configuration has to be set up in line with the official school name.

The school code is required because it forms the basis of permission groups and other configurations (such as for online enrolment, make a payment etc.) for your website.

The school website domain name will reflect the school email address for consistency, therefore the email address should be configured before you approach us.

For school email enquiries, please call EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32.

We need to add a point of contact for your new school.

If your school does not yet have a fixed land line, you can supply us with an alternate number and you can update the phone number on your website at a later stage.

We require the latitude and longitude of your school address. 

Use this guide to get coordinates from Google Maps.

We will create a site based on your school type:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Central
  • Other (custom site).

Take a look at the site maps for primary, secondary and central schools.

We will provide pages, with customised global content, based on the years your school caters to:

  • Preschool
  • Kindergarten
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9
  • Year 10
  • Year 11
  • Year 12

When you supply your school logo, the dimensions need to be:

  • 130x150 pixels, or
  • 260x300 pixels (double size), or
  • 3x4 cms.

The maximum file size is 50KB.

We recommend a PNG file format with a transparent background.

You may also use SVG format for your logo which will scale up to larger sizes with high quality. For SVG logos, you will need to have the original vector graphic version of your logo.

If you advise that you're unable to supply your new logo at this time, we will use the NSW Government logo (example below) and you can change the website logo later.

The logo image will appear in the header and footer of your website.


The theme defines the look and feel of your entire website.

See examples of the available themes you can choose from, including Theme 1 which the majority of our school websites utilise.

It's important to choose a primary colour for your website that suits your school and logo.

You can find the required Hex values for any colour using Adobe's colour wheel,

Learn more about the colour selector used for your website.

Your supplied banner image dimensions must be in accordance with your chosen theme.

The banner sits in the top section of your homepage.

If you cannot supply an image for the banner at this time, we will place one stock image which you can later change using the Hero banner or Banner components.

We will provide initial access to your nominated staff members who will be responsible for adding local content to your new website.

For each staff member of your web team, please provide us with their DoE email address and advise which one of the following two levels of access is required:

  1. Author - can make changes, but cannot publish them live to the public.
  2. Approver - can approve author changes which will publish them live, and also make/publish their own changes.

Schools are then responsible for managing staff access to their school website through Manage My Access and Manage Staff Access.

* If the mandatory requirements are not met, we cannot commence building your website.

Domain name

In the figure below, we provide an example of a school email address, showing how the prefix schoolname-[school type] becomes the main part of the subdomain of

The school type, c, indicates a Central school.


It's vital staff gain the latest website skills to make the most of using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), and to strengthen engagement with your school community.

Read more about training and the e-learning resources available via MyPL.

Content creation resources

Content style guide - use the content style guide for all department websites and publications.

Accessibility basics - access the department's guidelines for creating accessible content for web, video and other formats.

School communication - access a range of communication templates and resources designed to help principals and school leaders communicate with their school community.

Website handover

Once the website build is complete, the process of working on your site and going live is as follows:

  1. We'll let you know when your site is complete and ready for your school to work on and provide the edit URL to access your website in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).
  2. We'll also let you know what the live URL will be once published live to the public (this is the website address to promote to your school community).
  3. We will ensure:
    - your location details display on the Contact us and Location and transport pages
    - the School planning and reporting page has the two required components.
  4. Your authors and/or approvers can begin adding local content.
  5. You may like to consider:
    - adding your school motto
    - adding your social media accounts
    - creating a new page with a message from the principal, under About our school
    - adding a component with more content about uniforms, under What we offer
    - customising the Acknowledgement of Country text in the footer
    - if you have temporary site access or similar, detailing this on your Contact us page.
  6. Once complete and approved by the principal, an approver can publish the site live to the public.
  7. After a week, check if your school website address is displayed on the NSW Public School Finder, if it isn't please email
  8. If you wish to enable Make a payment on your website, visit the Administration Marketplace Panel for Schools (AMPS) to learn more about Student Finance.
  9. Refer to Your site on Google for information on getting your site appearing in Google.
  10. Learn about Schools Video and gaining access to your school's Brightcove account.


Questions or concerns

Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Contact the SWS product team

Get started

If you have everything ready to begin, reach out to us.
Contact the SWS support team

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